Building Strong Friendships and Safe Boundaries: The Circle of Relationships Activity

As your child navigates the social world over time, they must learn about personal boundaries. When children understand personal boundaries, it helps them know how to behave around other people.

The “Circle of Relationships” activity is a fun and engaging way to help them understand their boundaries and those of

Imagine a circle. In the centre is your child. The people closest to them in the circle are their best friends and family, those they trust most. As you move further out in the circle, you find friends, classmates, and acquaintances. Understanding this circle helps your child understand that different people have different levels of closeness and that it’s okay to have different boundaries with different people.

Why is this important?

Knowing about personal boundaries helps your child:

Why is this important?

Knowing about personal boundaries helps your child

Feel safe and respected

They’ll learn how to say “no” to unwanted touch or behaviour

Build strong friendships

They’ll learn how to respect the boundaries of others and build trust.

Stay safe

Understanding boundaries is a key part of protecting themselves from potential harm.
This simple activity can be a powerful tool for your child’s emotional development and safety.
For details on how to conduct this exercise with your child click the link below:

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